Scene one
The Larin's estate. The mistress and the nurse Filipyevna share memories of their youth. The singing of Olga and Tatyana, Larin's daughters, is heard coming from inside the house. Singing peasants approach the scene; they are returning from harvesting and they have brought their mistress the first sheaf.
The Larin's estate. The mistress and the nurse Filipyevna share memories of their youth. The singing of Olga and Tatyana, Larin's daughters, is heard coming from inside the house. Singing peasants approach the scene; they are returning from harvesting and they have brought their mistress the first sheaf.
Guests appear. Vladimir Lenski, fiancé of Olga, introduces to Madame Larina his friend Eugene Onegin, a neighbouring landlord, a beau of St Petersburg upper society. The young people leave for the garden. Lenski, who is in earnest love with Olga, enthusiastically talks to her. Onegin pays all his attention to Tatyana. The girl, whose only source of life ecperience has been reading sentimental novels, at once is attracetd by him.
Scene two
Tatyana's room. The girl who has fallen in love with Onegin summons up courage to write a letter to him openly confessing that she loves him. The nurse is commissioned to deliver the letter.
Tatyana's room. The girl who has fallen in love with Onegin summons up courage to write a letter to him openly confessing that she loves him. The nurse is commissioned to deliver the letter.
Scene three
Tatyana is writing for Onegin in the park. He apperas and makes a cool response to Tatyana's ardent confession, suggesting that she better gives up her dreams.
Tatyana is writing for Onegin in the park. He apperas and makes a cool response to Tatyana's ardent confession, suggesting that she better gives up her dreams.
Scene one
It is winter. The Larins are giving a party to celebrate Tatyana's burthday. Onegin, who has been brought by Lenski, is annoyed by the provincial assembly, their faces, attire and traditions. He is bored and decides to spite Lenski and rouse his jealousy by courting Olga. The offended Lenski demands explanations and challenges Onegin to a duel. The guests try in vain to reconcile the former friends.
It is winter. The Larins are giving a party to celebrate Tatyana's burthday. Onegin, who has been brought by Lenski, is annoyed by the provincial assembly, their faces, attire and traditions. He is bored and decides to spite Lenski and rouse his jealousy by courting Olga. The offended Lenski demands explanations and challenges Onegin to a duel. The guests try in vain to reconcile the former friends.
Scene two
The edge of a wood. Lenski is the first to arrive at the scene of the duel. He is tormented by premonition of death. Finally Onegin apperas. The former friends, now adversaries, put away the start of the duel, still none of them is willing to take the first step towards reconciliation. The seconds part them and give the signal. Onegin fires first. Lenski is killed.
The edge of a wood. Lenski is the first to arrive at the scene of the duel. He is tormented by premonition of death. Finally Onegin apperas. The former friends, now adversaries, put away the start of the duel, still none of them is willing to take the first step towards reconciliation. The seconds part them and give the signal. Onegin fires first. Lenski is killed.
Scene one
A ball in a house of a St Petersburg aristocrat. Onegin is among the guests. He has recently returned from abroad where he has spent several years. He meets his old acquintance Prince Gremin who introducēs him to his beautiful wife. Onegin recognizes in her Tatyana. He falls in love with her.
A ball in a house of a St Petersburg aristocrat. Onegin is among the guests. He has recently returned from abroad where he has spent several years. He meets his old acquintance Prince Gremin who introducēs him to his beautiful wife. Onegin recognizes in her Tatyana. He falls in love with her.
Scene two
In her room in a melancholy mood Tatyana is looking through Onegin's letters. Overwhelmed by passion, he writes to her every day, nonetheless, she does not answer them. Suddenly Onegin apperas. He goes down on his knees and asks for her love. Without concealing that her love has not changed for him, Tatyana, with a sad dignity, begs him to leave her in peace. Onegin is in anguish.
In her room in a melancholy mood Tatyana is looking through Onegin's letters. Overwhelmed by passion, he writes to her every day, nonetheless, she does not answer them. Suddenly Onegin apperas. He goes down on his knees and asks for her love. Without concealing that her love has not changed for him, Tatyana, with a sad dignity, begs him to leave her in peace. Onegin is in anguish.
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