
Gonzalo Preciado Azanza

Baleta mākslinieks

GONZALO PRECIADO AZANZA was born in Spain. Graduated from the English National Ballet School (United Kingdom) in 2014. Previously he has received his training at the Conservatorio Municipal Profesional de Danza and at the Maria de Avila´s Ballet School (Spain) and he has participated at the Bartholin International Ballet Seminar (Denmark) in 2012.

He was awarded with the Dance and Drama Award (DaDa) by the Government of the United Kingdom (2011) and the Beca de Ampliación de Estudios Artísticos de la Diputación de Zaragoza in Spain (2012).

He is a member of the Latvian National Ballet since 2015. His roles at the LNOB include Karlens in Antonija#Silmaci, Caliph of Baghdad in Scherezade and her Tales, The Gnome in Bolero…, Tyrolean in At the Blue Danube, 4 Lunatics in Peer Gynt.

Gonzalo Preciado Azanza has performed in the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Spain, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia. Previously in 2004 he danced the role of Fritz in Nutcracker with the Ballet of Zaragoza, in 2011 Cinderella with LaMov Cia de Danza and in 2013 Le Corsaire and Nutcracker with the English National Ballet. Moreover, he has participated in several Gala concerts around Europe such as Young British Dancer of the Year in United Kingdom (2013) Gala Biloba in Spain (2016) and the Ballet Stars Jurmala in Latvia (2016). 

In 2018 he received his degree, BA (Hons) in Professional Practice in Arts (Dance) from the Middlesex University in London (United Kingdom) and in 2020 he received his MA in Cultural Management from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya in Barcelona (Spain).


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